Raspberry season runs from mid-July through frost, typically in mid-October. The 2024 season is now over---we'll be back in summer of 2025!
Our 1-acre berry patch includes 18 varieties of red raspberries, yellow raspberries, black raspberries and blackberries.
Our typical summer you-pick hours are:
Sundays 8am-noon
Wednesdays 4pm-7pm
During our open times, you are welcome to come to the farm to pick. We will regularly post news and information about our daily berry availability on our Facebook and Instagram pages, and we ask that you check social media prior to visiting the farm for any important updates. You-picking is available on a first come, first served basis, and we will post on social media if we are picked-out for the day.
You-pick raspberries are $3/half-pint or $36 for a flat of 12 half-pints. We offer a bulk special of $100 for 3 flats.
A few notes:
Because we charge by the container (as opposed to weight), we ask that you pick into the containers that we provide. You are more than welcome to transfer your berries into your own containers after we ring them up.
Our raspberry patch has areas of uneven ground, and is in full sun. Please wear sensible shoes and bring a water bottle.
Some of our raspberry varieties have small thorns. Wearing a long-sleeve shirt while picking can help protect your arms!
Unfortunately, we do not have a public restroom available at this time. Please plan accordingly.
If you are unable to make it during any of our designated you-pick hours, please feel free to contact us to make other arrangements. We chose our you-pick days because they work best for our family, but we are happy to open our patch by appointment if needed.
Directions and Parking:
Our farm is located at 1231 Thunder Rd, Arlee MT 59821. See the map below.
Directions from US-93:
Turn East onto Mountain Home Ln.
Turn North onto Gray Wolf Dr.
Turn East onto Thunder Rd (our driveway)
Head up the driveway and turn Right at the fork in the road. You will see signs for parking and the berry patch.
Please park in designated parking areas. ​
Follow the path to the entrance of the raspberry patch.
If you don't find us at the patch when you arrive (we may be off doing another farm chore!), please check in with us by telephone. Instructions will be on a white board at the gate.